The eFellows program has contributed to the professional success of its former and current cohort participants, facilitating the development of scholarly publications and resulting in employment offers. Explore the success stories of several eFellows below.

Jessica Aviles
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering
Clemson University
“The eFellows program definitely played a role in my work. With the travel grant portion of eFellows I was able to attend a conference and go to industry partners to enhance my work in exoskeleton devices. Additionally, the professional development activities sharpened my networking and branding skills.”
Conference Presentations:
Aviles, J., Subasinghe, D., Srinivasan, D. (2023) Gender and age differences in maximum acceptable load while using rigid and soft back-support exoskeletons in repetitive lifting tasks: Results from a psychophysical study. IISE Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Narasimhan Raghuraman, R., Gupta, G., Upasani, S., Aviles, J., Cha, J., & Srinivasan, D. (2022). Manufacturing Industry Stakeholder Perspectives on occupational Exoskeletons:Changes Before and After Exposure to Exoskeletons. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 66(1), 1915–1916.

Janne Hall
Postdoctoral Fellow
Morgan State University
“Since starting this program, I have been invited as a panelist at conferences to discuss areas of my research. It’s important to my community, my culture, to see representation in spaces where appearances are rare. This program has opened my world to new opportunities, opportunities that have added lanes to my career path. I’m moving in multiple directions that are shaping my future. ”
Conference Presentations:
Todd, P.G., Raines, J., Hall, J., Vincent, K.A., & Wane, S. (2022, February 17). Building the Talent Pipeline; Black Students In STEM [Conference presentation]. GlobalMindED.

Nil Gurel
Biosensors Research Scientist
Meta Reality Labs
“I [authored] many publications, posters, presentations during my PhD and postdoc, [including] 6 journal papers…relevant to eFellows fellowship.”